AWMF-0165 24-28 GHz Dual Pol Quad 4x2 Beamformer IC

AWMF-0165 Beamformer IC Product Overview

24-28 GHz Dual Pol Quad 4x2 Beamformer IC

The AWMF-0165 is a highly integrated silicon quad-core dual-pol IC intended for 5G phased array applications. The IC has eight antenna ports that can be connected to four dual-pol antenna elements to support both horizontal and vertical polarizations in a phased array. Two common ports, one for each polarization, enable simultaneous processing of both polarizations. The device includes all requisite beam steering controls for phase and gain control and operates in half duplex fashion to enable a single antenna to support both Tx and Rx operation.

Gen-3 ICs provide higher linear power and lower noise figure than Gen-2 ICs and are pin and digital compatible across all mmW 5G bands.


  • 24.25 to 27.5 GHz operation
  • n258 3GPP band
  • Supports 4 radiating elements
  • Tx/Rx half duplex operation
  • Single antenna for Tx and Rx
  • Phase and gain control
  • Fast beam steering
  • Zero-Cal® phase/gain calibration free
  • Consider AWMF-0188 IF Up/Down Converter IC for a full RF Solution


3GPP Compliant 5G communications arrays in the n258 band

Additional Resources

Updated Whitepaper: mmWave Beamforming and Phased Array Basics


Not recommended for new designs, consider AWMF-0221 for improved performance.